
Hari yang Melelahkan

Hari ini, masih tetap di hari libur sekolah. Semalam, aku tidur jam 01.00 pagi karena byk pikiran. Paginya, melanjutkan usahaku and met my partner. Setelah itu, pergi ke DATABASE di Hijas, beli bluetooth device dan sekeping game "Beauty Factory" and here, I want to tell you, all. First, it's about the game. That is a bad game!(my statement). I dislike it. I thought that was a fun game, but there is no something fun in there. Second, it's about the bluetooth device. The shop keeper said that i can change the device if it don't work, but the deadline was today. Then, I went home and try the device. Try send a pic from my computer to my Handphone was successed, but when i tried to send a pic from my handphone to my computer, my handphone bluetooth didn't find my computer device. So, I thought to change it or tried get a help from the shop keeper. Then, I told my mom to drive my to that computer shop, but my mom to tired and she refused my request. She told me that she will pick me to that shop tonight. Huh...Unfortunately, today is 'ciak tua kai' day, so the shop closed earlier that usuall. I got a hard stress because this incident. ARGGGGHHH!!!!!!